HPC Checker
HPC Checker aims to be a simple android app with useful features to monitor the status of your jobs on High Performance Computing (HPC) servers.
HPC Checker aims to be a simple android app with useful features to monitor the status of your jobs on High Performance Computing (HPC) servers.
Evidence-based method development project for investing in equity markets.
Grand Canonical Analysis Toolkit (GCAT) - a software suite to perform analysis using a grand canonical approach.
Web Assisted Structure Prediction at the Nanoscale (WASP@N) - a novel web-interfaced database, linked with an HPC cluster.
Knowledge Led Master Code (KLMC) - a software package for structure prediction.
Loughborough Atomistic Kinetic Monte Carlo (LAKMC) - a novel, parallel, long time scale atomistic simulation software suite.
Loughborough Molecular Dynamics (LboMD) - a parallel molecular dynamics program using Fortran and MPI.